How Storytelling is Helping Brands Sell More Products

Detailed stories connect with consumers

It’s no secret that storytelling is a key tool for brands and marketers that want to connect with consumers—and boost sales. ”There’s plenty of popular demand for good stories, if binge-watching, binge-listening, and binge-reading statistics are an indicator,” explained Ilya Vedrashko, svp and director of research at Hill Holliday’s consumer research arm, Origin. ”Stories move not only people, but they also move product.”

But just how much? To find out, Origin created a series of experiments in which consumers were shown items paired with either standard descriptions or more detailed stories—from user reviews to creator bios, and even fiction. The results were clear. ”Every time the product that had a story pulled in more money than the same product without one,” said Vedrashko. ”That’s a lift on no additional investment.”

Källa: Adweek

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