About us


Brand Theater is a network under establishment in Sweden and Norway. Our mission is to help our clients create a value proposition and deliver a brand experience that will help them recruit and bond with customers in a profitable and mutually rewarding way, adapted to the challenges faced in todays and tomorrows markets.

At Brand Theater we believe that collaboration is the key to building successful brands. We also believe that the bigest challenge faced by many businesses in todays crowded and noisy market space, is the ability to gather resources – both inside and outside the organisation – and create a context that makes sense and provide value to their customers. There are plenty of products and services going around, what people really need are solutions that will help solve important problems. Thus, by connecting to customers and partners and working across different business disciplines, you will get the insight and focus necessary to build a truly great brand.

The Branding Theater connotes the environment in which customers and the larger market – comprising competitors, partners, prospects, analysts, media and the investment community – confer value, both tangible and intangible, to the brand.

As brand messages and marketing programs touch the customers at various points of market presence, a virtual ”theater” emerges where customers form experiences of quality, trust, and satisfaction – the building blocks of a brand.

To capitalise on todays ever changing market and media landscape you will have to work upstream to understand the context and role of your brand, as well as downstream to build and nurture rewarding relationships with your key stakeholders.








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